Vendor Application
A simple process
Create an account
Apply for a season
Purchase a season pass
Once you create an account on our site, you will be able to apply to the next available quarter quickly and easily, pay for your space, and so much more! After you have submitted your application, our team will review it for any issues, and mark your account accordingly.
Season Passes
Every season is paid on a monthly subscription basis. Accepted vendors will secure a spot for three consecutive markets. Two be a part of two events a month you will have to subscribe to a vendor plan for both First Sundays and Third Sundays.
Indoor Vendor
per event
Small table to fit small items like jewelry, small plants, etc.
Outdoor Vendor
per event
10 x 10 space. You MUST provide a tent. No table or tent is provided.
Food Vendor
per event
Streetside parking (for food trucks) or a 10 x 10 space is given to you. You MUST provide a tent as well as electricity. No table, tent, or electricity is provided. You must also have a food vendor permit provided by the health department.