About Us
The Eastside Market is a monthly event in East Waco Created to provide artists, artisans, entrepreneurs, and guests with a community space to share their goods and connect with others. We started as a small collection of local vendors with the idea that by coming together we could build a community that would support all the growing creative scenes in our city.
We have the Eastside Market every third Sunday of the month in partnership with our host Brotherwell Brewing at 400 East Bridge st.
One of the things we aim to create is a truly unique atmosphere for everyone. You can shop from over 30 cool vendors with products ranging from vintage clothes to handmade pottery. Then sit back, chill, and watch live graffiti art while enjoying some of the dishes from our diverse lineup of food trucks and of course a refreshing Brotherwell Beer. Eastside is a market for everyone so bring your friends and family and come spend an easy Sunday afternoon with us. #eastsideisthevibe